How To Track Your Share Portfolio

There are a lot of people that want to get portfolios that can be tracked on a regular basis. Fortunately, there are several methods that can be used to look at a portfolio and track the progress.

Create a Spreadsheet

People that want to have a detailed collection of their stock performance should consider a spreadsheet. This may be one of the best ways to set up strong details of the information that is needed for a particular group of stocks.

Most people prefer these types of self made spreadsheets because they can edit this information as they see fit. Someone that works with an Excel spreadsheet, for example, can do things to manipulate the data view. They can hide cells that they do not want to see. They can also add and extend columns for even more information. There are a lot of different things that can be done with a spreadsheet for the sake of tracking a portfolio.

Utilize Apps

The world of mobile devices has also made it very easy to track the progress of shares on a minute by minute basis. Some people log on to the apps and check the performance on a regular basis. This is the best way to know what the portfolio is doing on at all times.

Tracking the portfolio can be very effective with the apps because people can see what their investments are doing from anywhere. They don’t have to be on a home computer. They don’t have to access any of their self made spreadsheets. There are some apps that track performance and neatly place the portfolio into an attractive web-based summary.

Contact the Broker

There are times where it may be necessary to contact a broker about the performance of stocks. At times there will be investors that do not choose to engage in any type of mobile device apps. These are older investors that simply rely on their brokers to make the majority of the decisions. When this is the case it may be best to track the share portfolio directly with the source. A broker can give updates on the specific shares that are performing well. These brokers can also provide information on things that may need to be considered to improve the return on investment.

Emails, Updates and Alerts

The great thing about setting up a portfolio is that there is such a large array of technology available. People that are looking for email updates can sign up for this and track their portfolio this way. Others may prefer message alerts through their apps.

Lots of different things can be done to make the tracking of the portfolio easier. It just takes some time to set up something that is going to be effective. A person may not want updates every minute, but they may prefer to know what is going on every hour. Some people may only need updates one or twice a week. Mobile technology makes it easy to track without overkill.

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